One Sweet World

Not so important posts about a married couple living in Baltimore.

Location: Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Monday, November 21, 2005

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

After re-reading the fourth installment of Harry Potter last week on my way to/from Orlando, I went to see the movie on Saturday afternoon. Got the best seats in the house by showing up early and waiting in line. So awesome! Anyway, back to the movie. Overall I really enjoyed the movie. If I wanted to nit pick it, I could, but no movie is ever up to the challenge of taking on the entire written story. Lots of small side stories were left out of the movie like excluding Winky and Dobbie and the rest of the house elves. Another glaring omission was the actual quidditch match at the Quittich World Cup. I was really looking forward to seeing the match, but they didn't show any of it! Also missing was the students actually attending classes! I think I saw 2 scenes in the classroom and that was it. No Hagrid and his blast end screwts or potions class with Snape. Plus, they never showed Harry's preparation for the Triwizard Tournament. I guess some things had to be left out, but I had a sense at the end of the movie that a few things were missing. But, no complaints here. I'm still going to buy it on DVD.

Thursday, November 17, 2005


I just got back from my first visit to Orlando. First impression: wow this place is flat and really sprawlish. Lots of small lakes can be found throughout the city, which is kinda cool. What's not cool is all the commercialism of the town. It's kinda funny, to a point, that all the tourist spots aren't in Orlando proper, they're all located outside of Orlando. We stayed at a crap ass hotel on International Drive near Universal Studios. We chose this place because of it's location so we wouldn't have to go far after attending the Beer Fest at City Walk (which was really fun and full of loads of interesting people). We never made it to Disney or inside any of the theme parks, which was fine with me. I really don't have any interest in going. The city itself is small and kinda run down. We did eat dinner at a great restaurant in the city and hit up a few clubs too, which was fun and interesting. There's definitely a need for a vibrant downtown community for the people that actually live there. Granted, the city needs its tourists, but it also needs a place for the people who live there. I'd like to see where this city will be in 5 years since it's definitely trying to get the downtown going. As of right now, it seems kinda boring and uninteresting.

On another note, I finished reading "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" in preparation for the movie this weekend. Can't wait!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Weight Watchers

I started Weight Watchers last Wednesday and had my weigh in today. I lost 2.6 pounds, a little less than what I expected. What I am most surprised about this plan is that I never feel hungry. I just want to eat the foods that are the worst for you! But, I have found that I can make healthy choices and still go out for dinner every now and then. That makes me happy :) Now...Just make it through the holidays without gaining any weight. If I lose, good for me. I just don't' want to gain any more weight. Wish me luck!